2021년 5월 24일 월요일

(토론실 사이트 펌글)SNUDA X KNC 2021 관련(20210525)

(펌글 출처)

이 글의 독자님께, 

 토론실 사이트 대표 이민섭입니다. 
 서울대학교 의회식 영어토론동아리 SNUDA(Seoul National University Debate Association가 주최했던 전국 대학교 영어토론대회(대회 공식 페이스북 페이지: https://www.facebook.com/snudaknc2021 ) 조직위원회 측으로부터 게시물 이용 허락을 받고 출처를 밝힌 후 관련 이미지나 글을 퍼왔습니다. 
 해당 대회는 5월 19일(수), 22일(토), 23일(일) 3일간 이미 개최해서 마무리가 되었기 때문에 이 글을 보고 해당 대회에 참가하거나 참관하실 수는 없으나, 이번 게시글을 통해 대회 사후 홍보를 하고 유사 토론 대회에 대한 관심을 제고하는 계기가 마련되기를 희망합니다.
 이 글을 읽어주셔서 감사드립니다. 
 건강한 하루 되십시오.

토론실 사이트 대표 이민섭 드림.

(원본 이미지/글 출처)

Introducing our fourth adj core member of SNUDA X KNC 2021!
[DCA - Minseob Lee (IDS)]
He started debate in 2008 by joining an Internet debate website while he failed university entrance exam, prepared the exam again and revised his future plan. After he entered the university in 2009, he failed the recruiting interview of IDS on his first semester in the spring. He screwed his team up in his first tournament, the 5th KNC in 2009 with 5 loses and lowest speaker scores in his team on the total 5 preliminary rounds. After he finished military service, he met the environmental changes. Without Peter Kipp who was the advanced debater, he couldn’t have some prize records as a debater. He wrote his master’s thesis because he was eliminated from the lists of breaking adjudicators in many tournaments. He gave up dream become CAP several years ago, but his juniors’ passion to host a tournament made him as a co-Chief Adjudicator. He majored in history in the undergraduate degree, speech & debate in the master’s degree. He was a contract worker of administrative office in the college of sciences. His current major in the doctoral program is business. His research interest is ‘Can debate make money?’ although his research performance is not good yet to find the answer. He is a passionless journeyman, but he just applied DCA this time but lucky enough taking the position and have been met many people who gave lessons to him from his beginning including CAP colleagues in his first experience as CAP member. This is his second CAP experience.
2018 CUDS Open Quarter Finalist 
2016 The 4th KIDA Open Pre-Semi Finalist 
2015 2nd Korea Debate Open(Pre-Australs) Grand-Finalist 
2015 Winter Asian Debate Institute Octo-Finalist 2014 2nd KIDA InterVarsity Semi-Finalist 
Sogang InterVarsity 2013 Pre-Semi Finalist
2021 IDS KRT Co-CA
2019 KMADC KNC Breaking Adjudicator 
Asia Debate Open - Guangzhou 2019 Breaking Adjudicator 
2019 ADS KNC 8th Best Adjudicator 
2017 HYDS-YUU Open 4th Best Adjudicator 
2017 CUDS Open Breaking Adjudicator 
Finals Adjudicator in Binghamton University's 4th Annual Online Debate Tournament in Conjunction with NASA Astrobiology Debates in 2016
Certificate of Appreciation from Debating SA(South Australia) Incorporated, The School's Competition in 2014 
2014 Adjudicator University of Wollongong Debating Society, UOW Winter Schools Tournament Grand Final Adjudicator 
2010 The 6th KNC Rookie Final / EFL Semi Final Adjudicator

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